Internet Business 101- Episode 61

Times can get tough throughout the timeline of your business but dealing with a global pandemic certainly doesn't help. In this episode, I speak directly to the health and fitness professionals out there who are maybe struggling during these times of COVID-19. I share some best practices to look at to increase the potential for your livelihood to thrive but at least survive.

Connect with me on Instagram @jadeteta 

Jade:    [01:17] Ok, what’s up everybody? Welcome to this week’s episode of the Next Level Human podcast. This episode, we’re actually going to talk about finance. As you know, we always talk about the 4 jobs of every human – health, wealth, personal development, and personal relationships. Another way to say that is all of us humans, we have to earn a living, manage our finances. We have to attain and maintain optimal health and fitness; we have to develop and sustain personal relationships; and we have to develop purpose and meaning, and this is the realm of personal development. We usually spend a lot of our time on this podcast talking about health and fitness and personal relationships. Lately we’ve been talking a little bit more about purpose and meaning, and we don’t do a whole lot on finance, and I want to do that. The reason I want to do that is because right now, if you’re listening to this podcast, we’re right in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak and quarantine, and everybody is at home, and a lot of people are a little bit afraid, especially people in the health and fitness industry, who are making their living in person doing health and fitness, or consultations, and across the desk as functional medicine practitioners and doctors, and we’re all finding that business has slowed down. Well, I escaped this reality for myself years back and have been completely online for a very long time, and I continue to get the question from people: hey Jade, how do you do this internet business thing? How does it work? So, I wanted in this episode to give just an overall understanding of my experience in this realm, in becoming an entrepreneur on the internet, how it works, how you market, etc.


[03:12] I don’t really have an outline for this talk. I normally don’t; I normally just sort of free wheel, so we’ll see how this goes, and see what you think about this. But let’s get into this really quickly. The idea, right, online – basically what we’re talking about is, we’re talking about being able to go past our physical location to interact with the world at large. So, all of a sudden, we’re essentially now out in the world, anybody who has an internet connection should be able to see us and find us. This is one of the big misunderstandings though about the internet because, in a sense, you’re basically a drop of water, a single drop in a huge sea; so, why would anyone take notice of you? Well, let’s cover that first. People are on the internet, and they are the internet which is filled with information, so there’s just – people go there for information. Google is now like the oracle, right? If you want a question to something, you’re going to go to educate yourself. We also now are finding that most people are now, to some degree, consuming their entertainment online as well. So, online has become both entertainment and education, so just start right there. Both of those can get a lot, a lot of attention, so if you’re a healer or trainer, a lot of what you’re doing is in the realm of education. So, let’s talk about this first. First of all, what does someone who is looking for education, information, do? Well, they go to YouTube or they go to Google, which, by the way, are one in the same thing – Google owns YouTube – and they type in how to burn fat, or how to heal hypothyroid, or natural solutions for high blood pressure. They’re typing these thing into Google, and Google essentially takes this information and goes out and starts crawling – and when I saw crawling, like literally, you have computer programs, they call it crawling – they go out there and look through the Google algorithms and things like that to see what are the most reliable trafficked websites that give information on this. For example, if I write a blog – and I’ll give you one of mine when I was doing Metabolic Effect – if I write a blog How to Burn Fat During Menopause, what I want to do is I want to know what people are actually searching for when they go in and type in a search term in Google or in YouTube.


[06:01] I want to know what they’re actually searching, so I would use a tool like Google keyword planter – planner, rather – where I can go in and see what is the term that people are searching for. Now, I might think like, you know, I might call it Fat Loss in Menopause, but what I might find is that most people don’t use the term fat loss, and most people are using the term weight loss, how to lose weight at menopause. Or maybe I find, as I go through this keyword planner, and basically, for those of you who don’t know, it’s basically – you can search in Google and say Google keyword planner, you can go into that and you can type in a term that you are essentially wanting to write about. Whether you’re going to podcast on it, whether you’re going to do a video on it on YouTube, whether you’re going to blog about it, you’re essentially look for a search term. Now, this is the first thing you do because one of the first lessons on internet business is people speak a particular language, they don’t speak your language. If you’re trying to reach them, you want to speak their language. So, if I go into this keyword planner, it tells me what the actual terms people are using in Google, the actual terms that they are searching for. So, I type in menopause-fat loss, and what I find is there’s not a lot of people searching for that, but I do find an awful lot of people searching for menopause-weight loss, and maybe I discover that they’re actually searching menopause-belly, and maybe as I do my research, I see that people are searching how to lose the menopause belly. Now what I do is I turn around, I change my approach, and I name the article I’m writing, the video I am doing, or the podcast episode I’m creating according to what people are searching for. So, I would say, instead of saying fat loss in menopause, I would say how to lose the menopause belly. This is the beginning of the process, and now when people come into Google, they will type in what they’re normally typing in, and maybe now I have a chance, based on the creation of that content that I created, to get seen. Now, the truth of the matter is, this might get you to be maybe a segment of the sea instead of a drop in the sea, but you still have to create great content, do the search engine optimization I just talked about, keywording things and knowing what people are searching about. And even still, often times, you’re not necessarily going to show up on top of Google unless you’re running Google ads, or maybe Facebook ads, as your basically running a Facebook page and doing posts there, or Instagram ads, etc. So, right away, I’m going to give you the two different ways to look at this. What is of value in the internet space? Two things mainly.


[09:00] One is what we call leads, and two is money. A lead is somebody who you own who’s like a potential client. In the old days, this would be you basically sitting down outside, let’s say you’re at Whole Foods and you’re giving samples, and someone walks by and you’re like hey, would you like to try a sample of my new popcorn, let’s say. And they say, sure, I’ll try the popcorn, I’ll take a sample. When they take that sample, this is sort of like them stumbling upon you on Instagram or a podcast, or on your Facebook page, or stumbling across your blog. They’re sampling your content, right? They’re sampling your content. Maybe they go, oh, that’s interesting, that popcorn’s good, maybe I’ll buy a bag. Now, at that point, once they buy the bag, this is very much like giving you their email address. Now, they’ve bought the bag, they actually have a greater experience with you. They go home and they eat the popcorn, and if they like it, then they become a customer and start repeating buying. So, online, when we’re talking about creating this initial content, essentially what you’re doing is you’re first saying, let me create content, let me be out there like the person at Whole Foods, or Costco, or wherever you are giving samples, letting people see my work, building, you know, essentially a following or trying to get noticed. Then, let me give them like a discount on a bag of popcorn, or something free. In the realm of the internet, it would be like me putting out an Instagram post on menopause, and then somebody saying oh, that’s really interesting, I like his stuff on menopause, and then going and clicking in my link in my bio and seeing I have a free menopause course, and then them going hmm, let me see about this. They go there, they give it an email, they get the free menopause course. Then, if they like that free menopause course, maybe then I upsell them at the end of that, if I’m doing my job as a business owner, I say, oh by the way, you can get this menopause workout, or this menopause diet, or this menopause advanced program for a certain amount of money. Then, they become a customer of mine. So, in a very real sense, when you’re talking about the internet business, the lead happens when you get the email, or when they buy the bag of popcorn. The sale happens much later when you convert them from just an email subscriber or someone who’s in your database and listener base to someone who is actually buying your product. Now, the reason I go through that is because, in a sense, what most people think internet business is is all this social media stuff, and that social media stuff has no real value unless you can get someone on your email list and then someone to essentially buy from you.


[12:05] Now, this is changing for some people. Like, for example, I have enough of a following now on social media that I can actually run and sell things right from my stories and that kind of stuff; but that’s typically not the way it happens. Not only that, what I would really like to do is get people into my email list so I own them, so I can talk to them, so I can make them know, like, and trust me better. One of the things that I’m doing is I first want to know what are people interested in, what are people talking about, what are people searching for. Then, I take my area of expertise and I start crafting my messages around what people are searching for. So, I have a very good understanding, or get a very good understanding of what are people searching for on Google, what kind of videos are getting the most watches on YouTube, who are the people, what kind of content are people putting out on Instagram and Facebook pages, who’s responding to what, and how can I bring my expertise to that. Now, that is just sort of the chumming of the water, so to speak. If we switch to another analogy and start talking about fishing, let’s say, social media activity and content creation as I put out a podcast, or I put out a post on Instagram, or I put a post on Facebook, or I do a blog, all of this content creation is essentially like chum. It’s basically the stuff that I throw into the water to attract the sharks. We’ve all heard of chumming the water. Let’s say I’m going to search for sharks, I want to catch sharks, then I want to chum the water, I want to bring them in, I’m going to throw this bloody fish into the water all around my boat, hope that the sharks smell it, and come close and see, and start inspecting around the boat. Then, maybe I can throw my line in and try to catch a shark. Well, this chumming of the water is something that you have to think very clearly about. You have to say what is my expertise, how can I show up with my messaging, what are other people doing that’s working, and what are the problems that people have that they’re searching to solve, that they want to be educated on. Then, I start crafting my message around that, and that becomes the way I begin this process. Now, what a lot of people do is they kind of go, well, I am passionate about XYZ and here’s how I talk about it, and then what happens is they start hitting a wall because, yes, your passion is important, and yes, what you want to talk about and the way you talk about is important, because this makes you interesting and different, but you can’t forget about you have to also use the language that the customer, the potential customer is also using. So, as you create your content you have to understand that content is only good if it brings sharks to the water.


[15:04] This is where you start looking at is my content getting liked, shared, am I getting followed; and if I’m not, that means I’m not actually creating good content that brings people in because there’s a lot of noise out there. If you look across the bay, there’s someone over there chumming for sharks, and if you look further down, there’s someone over there chumming for sharks. There’s people out there talking about health and fitness and all this stuff all of the time. You have to know what are people asking for, what are they searching for, what is my unique stuff, how can I come at this in a unique way to get attention. Then, you use feedback from social media – follows, shares, likes, saves, etc., to determine am I doing a great job. Now, me personally, I look at my insights; you can go into Instagram, you can go into your Facebook posts, you can go into podcast, you can essentially see how many views, likes, shares, listens you’re getting. For me, when I try to evaluate my content, I’m always looking at shares and saves, because I figure if it’s good enough for someone to share with a friend or save for later, those are, to me, the highest standard of engagement in my mind. I mean, there’s lot of people, and you know how this is, there’s lots of people I follow on Instagram, Facebook, and I just seem them and I like their thing just without even really reading it just because I like them, or I’m just trying to be a nice guy, or whatever. So, a lot of the likes and follows and stuff like that aren’t necessarily… they’re sort of peripheral engagement tactics. So, I look at shares and saves, and then those shares and saves of that content, I am essentially building more content like that. And here’s another clinical pearl I’ve give you, or tool I’ll give you is that when you find shares and saves, or content that you’ve created that does really well, one big mistake a lot of people do in the internet business is they go on to the next thing; they just keep creating content. Well, from my perspective, you want to promote your best content. So yes, you’re always creating content, but the content that does well, the content that gets shared, the content that gets saved, you want to promote that, so you want to share that again and again and again. If you’re a follower of mine, you’ll see, oh wow, Jade posts that same thing, you know, once every couple months that you’ll see the same content come up, or you’ll see me create different ideas on the same theme. Maybe I’ll do an infographic on menopause, maybe I’ll do a podcast on menopause, maybe I’ll do 4 or 5 blogs on different aspects of menopause and weight loss related to it. This is how I essentially chum the water. Now, here’s the thing: this chumming of the water – shares, follows, saves, likes - all these people that have these big followings on social media may or may not be making money, and a lot of them are not because a lot of them are not understanding the way to convert that into an actual business to make money. Just getting follows and likes is not as important as getting saves and shares, and none of those are as important as getting an email, a real email from somebody that you actually own that you can then start emailing them to get them to know, like, and trust you so that you can eventually sell them.


[18:22] You can see that this idea that you just posting a bunch of stuff that people might like or follow and then saying hey, buy it is probably not going to work for most people, because a lot of this stuff, especially workouts and diet advice, stuff like this, a lot of this stuff is basically… it’s commodity advice. It means that a lot of people are doing it. So, what you want to do is you want to know what is commodity based stuff, like workouts, nutrition advice, and stuff like that, post a lot of that stuff for free, and then organize it in a way that makes it easier for these people to get to, and this is where the next phase of this happens. Let’s just repeat what I’ve said so far. The beginning of internet business starts with you doing some research – looking at YouTube, looking at Google, using Google keyword tools, looking at what people are searching for, the problems they’re wanting to solve, and the exact same language that they use, not the language you use, and then matching your expertise to that. Now, you have an idea, here’s what people are searching for, here’s what the words they’re actually using when they search, here are the type of videos, the types of blogs, things like that that they’re actually ranking high for. I’m going to create content around that, and then I’m going to use that content, whether it be a podcast, whether it be a blog, or whether it be Instagram and Facebook posts, or YouTube video, I’m going to use that content to chum the water. That’s why all of us who do this business are on social media. I wouldn’t be on social media – I’m more of an introvert and I’m not someone who likes to share every single aspect of my life. I wouldn’t probably be on there if it weren’t for business. My social media presence is about chumming the water. Right? Chumming the water. So, now I’ve got your attention. You’re a follower of mine, you like my stuff, you’ve shared and saved my things, you’re in my sphere of influence, you kind of know me. Then, what I do is I create something that organizes this information in a way that makes it easy for you to get. This is equivalent to the person who – hey, you want to try my popcorn, here’s a sample; hey, why don’t you buy a bag at 50% discount, or something like that. I basically give you something. A mini course, or a cheat sheet, or something, a pdf, it used to be back in the day a e-book, something that is free for you to get. Right now, I do many courses a lot, depending on how where you look at this, I’ve been around long enough where e-books were it, full on courses were it for a while, then we went to these short pdfs. Now, the things that I think do best, people don’t have a whole lot time to consume, so to me, mini courses do great.


[21:16] This is like short, 3-5 minute videos, and maybe no more than 3-5 of them over 1-3 days to teach something, and/or cheat sheets where it’s basically like here’s a 1-pager on all the things you need to know about XYZ. In a sense, because there’s so much information around now, value comes from making it concise and short and powerful. This is why many courses and cheat sheets, sort of 1-pagers, or 1 video educations can be really powerful for getting people’s email. You essentially say, you give me an email and I will give you this content more in-depth and organized for you, and then people give you their email. Now they’re on your email list. Now, here’s a couple things that you want to keep in mind. What a lot of people did back in the day that you do not want to do anymore is, what they do is get as many emails as possible – so, they thought of a large email list was a good list, and they wouldn’t use things like double opt-ins and things like that. Well, think about what you do. You probably, like me, have an email that you use to get free stuff, don’t you? You go, oh, I’ll use this sort of fake email. Now, if I make it hard for you to do that by giving you a double opt-in – what a double opt-in means that if you type in your email, I make you have to go confirm with me that that is actually your email, so you can’t put in a fake email if you try to get on my email list – and what that does is put one level of difficulty there for you so I don’t have any tire kickers. I don’t have people who are just trying to get free stuff on my list or aren’t really there to learn or are not somebody who is serious about really being interested in my stuff. I want real people on my email list who really want to hear from it, and once you’re on my email list, you’ll put in your email, you’ll get an email back to your email that says confirm your email; once you do that, you can get your free thing, you know, basically that I offered you, and then I email you everyday for the next 5-7 days. Now, why would I do that? Because yes, I’m kind of trying to annoy you. Of course, those 5-7 emails that I’m delivering to you when you first get on my email list, that’s really some of my best content. You’re getting a lot of value there. It’s more free stuff, it’s more free samples. It’s also to make sure do you really want to be here because what happens is, if you haven’t opened up any of those emails at the end of that 5-7 days, I will kick you off my email list. Actually, I don’t do it that fast. I wait about 90 days and I basically say have you opened any of my emails; if you haven’t in the last 90 days, I’m getting you off my list.


[24:03] Why would I do that? Because what I want at the end of the day is a small responsive list. Well, I would love a huge responsive list, but to me, I want a response list; I don’t care how big it is. I’d rather have 1,000 people on my list and every single person, every 1,000, I get 100% open rate, and 100% clickthrough rate, than 100,000 people on my list and get like no open rate and no clickthrough where almost no one’s opening anything. Right? Makes sense. So, I want a responsive list. Now, that point in time, after they go through that email sequence, I can make them offers or not. But what I want to do is I want to cultivate that list, I want to make sure they at least hear from me at least once per month by sending out a newsletter or good quality information, or making sure that I update them with some of my content. For example, if I’m very active on social media, what I want to do is go, ok, at the end of the month maybe, at the very least I send to my email list here was my most popular podcasts, here were my most popular posts, here were some of the other podcasts that I’ve been on, so that I can keep them engaged with me. So, you see this is the second part now. The first part is chumming the water, so to speak, getting the fish near. The second part is creating some kind of bait, and that’s this freebie that I’m going to give away to get people to bite on the hook. Now, I essentially throw my line in the water, and if the bait is good enough, one of these sharks is going to bite, and I’m going to be able to essentially reel it in. I’m going to essentially be able to reel it in. It’s going to be on my line, so to speak. Now, I still haven’t brought it in the boat yet; it’s not a customer yet. I can’t basically take it home and bring it to the store and get money out of it yet. It still could break the line or get off my line, or I may not be able to catch it if I do things wrong here. This is where now I create a product that I then market through educational marketing, and through educational marketing, what I mean is you’re essentially saying if I create a menopause program, since we’re using that particular analogy, what I’m going to do is create a launch, basically, where I teach people all the most important things about menopause that are in my course. Ideally, I would’ve built a course, and now I’m taking parts of the course and delivering to them, dripping them to my email list over about a week period and telling them hey, here’s some great information on menopause that you want to be aware of, if you like this, buy my course, I have a course on this. Next email, here’s another great stuff on menopause, if you like this, buy my menopause thing, and I do that several times. And at the end, what I essentially do in that launch is I essentially say hey, the menopause program, you can still get it for a – I like to use expiring bonuses, where it’s like you can get it for cheaper right now, if you don’t get it now it’s going to be more later, and you have to be honest about this.


[27:07] It’s basically like, during this launch period, you can get my menopause program at a cheaper rate. What that does is create some marketing scarcity, which we all know makes a difference. Sales is great marketing. Having a sale helps you, helps them, and also an expiring sale, where it goes out. This is just marketing 101. This gets people to buy that product for you. Now, once they buy, this very much like taking that shark home with you, putting him in your aquarium, and having him as a pet now, and you basically still want to feed him with great stuff. Now that he’s been a client and bought something from you, you still want to treat them amazing, and treat him like that’s your pet, and still give him free stuff, and take great care of him so he buys other stuff. When you bring this client, this lead home, this customer now home to your aquarium, you want to think about your aquarium as being an aquarium that this fish can voluntarily leave if they want to. If you don’t take care of them, and you don’t make sure you do follow up sequences and give a great program, you’re not going to be able to convert this particular client. At a very high level, this is the game that you play. Really, when you think about producing content, and the idea of educating, there’s lots of different content that you want to create. There’s social media content, what I would call attraction content. This chums the water. This is podcast, this is blog post, this is Instagram, this is Facebook, this is all those kinds of things. This is attraction content. Then, you want to create opt-in content. This is the freebies, the mini course, the cheat sheets, and this opt-in content gets people on your email list. Then, there’s email content that essentially keeps those leads warm and interested in what you do; and then there’s launch content, where you’re essentially doing this educational launch where you’re educating people through this process of selling. Then, there’s program content, the actual stuff that’s in your program. Then, you could even think there’s - back in to email based content. This is how this sequence works. Now, to get people in the front door, you could either do it organically with this attraction content, and/or you could do it through ads and ad content. And ideally you would be doing a little bit of both. The thing that you kind of what to understand here though is that in order for people to want to buy from you, they need to know, they need to like, and they need to trust you. The way that you do that is through this consistent content constantly model.


[30:05] Even if you hit them with an ad, you want to essentially bring them to a place that brings them into a freebie, into this launch-based email education, to sell people. Very few people are going to go right from a ad, they’ve never heard of you before, onto a sales page and then buy. Now, I say that with some trepidation, because if you’re really good at sales pages, and really good at copy, and really know what you’re doing, absolutely, there are plenty of people. As a matter of fact, my company, Metabolic Living, people that make their livings doing this, so there’s a lot of us who’ve made a lot money doing that. But for most solopreneurs who are going to be listening to this, that is going to be out of the question because you just don’t have the skillset. Now, there are people you can hire to build out what they call these funnels for you, where it’s basically an ad to an educational launch funnel, to a program sale on the back end. That, to me, is a whole other podcast. This podcast, I just want to give you the brief overview, then I want to see how you like this content; then I can go into each of these different. For example, there’s a whole strategy around attraction content, and social media content, and what kind of stuff that you can do; there’s a whole strategy around opt-in content, a whole strategy around email content, and a whole strategy about how to build programs and sell these programs, and where to sell them. Then, of course, underneath that is the whole infrastructure that you need. Obviously, you’re going to need, if you’re going to get leads, you need an email service provider. you know, something that manages your emails. You also need a place that houses your program that you’re selling. You need some kind of apparatus that can generate opt-in pages and those kinds of things. So, there’s an education that you need, but I wanted to take this opportunity to essentially talk about the idea of how to make money online, and the big picture kind of way. It’s essentially like searching or fishing for sharks. First, you chum the water. That’s the attraction content, the social media, all that kind of stuff, that is not that valuable except to tell you how well you’re doing. Are people resonating with you, are people resonating with your message? Then, you want to create opt-in content, where it’s basically like ok, now I’m going to give you a freebie, I’m going to give you a discount on, you pay me with your email and I’m going to give you an actual bag of the popcorn. This is very much like baiting the fish and getting them on the hook. Then, you essentially have to get your emails right, talk to them, get to the know, like, and trust you so you can literally pull them into the boat and sell them on your program.


[33:00] This is typically how the process works. Now, I’ll say a few things because I don’t want to ramble on and on and on, and I just want to see if this kind of content resonates with you all, but the next piece here is really the high end strategy for your business. Really, when you think about people who have done well, what they essentially have done is they’ve built several different revenue streams for themselves. In a sense, this can take time to build up. The process I just went through with you can take anywhere from 1-5 years, and probably gonna be around 3, and this means you are doing this day in and day out. Sure, maybe you have a job, but this side hustle is a real thing; you’re really spending a lot of time with it. Most of us who have been able to pull this off would’ve been doing this for free anyway just because we love it. So, you really kind of have to look at what I’m talking about sounds maybe simple at a high level, or maybe for some of you, you’re like Jade, you’re speaking Greek, but for those of you who get me, you also have to understand you have to do this for 1-5 years, and you have to do it at a very good level, and pay close attention to what you’re doing, and there’s a lot of stuff you have to master in there. There’s a lot of stuff you have to master with attraction content, there’s a lot of stuff you have to master with all these different types of content. That part is important, but then, to build out your business, then you basically have to have a situation where you build out different revenue streams. I’ll just go through that really quickly, but once you have a following, if you build a following, whether you build a following on YouTube, or Facebook, or Instagram, or whatever, there’s several different ways to make money. If you have enough of a following, you can make money from people wanting you to be an affiliate with them, which essentially means they have a product that your clientele would be interested in, that they want to sell to your clientele, and they will essentially give you a finder’s fee to sell their product to your clients. That’s one way that you can make money. Some people make all their money on that. They essentially put out their stuff, build up a following, and then sell other people’s programs because they don’t build their own programs; so that’s one way to do it. So, you can make money through affiliate marketing. You can make money through selling your own programs. You can make money through selling multiple programs. So, for me, when I was with Metabolic Effect, I built a program for hypertension, I build a program for hypothyroid, I built workout programs, I built a program for diabetes, I built programs for all different kinds of conditions, and then went through the same process. Ok, if I built a diabetes program, I do attraction content for diabetes, I pull people in, I basically give a freebie, opt-in content for diabetes, I then do an email sequence for diabetes, I then have a diabetes program. So, not only can you sell other people’s programs, you can sell your own programs. Then, you can have repeatables, where you can either kind of do an affiliate arrangement for products – so these would be physical products where you can sell shirts, and you can sell supplements, and you can sell these kinds of things as another part of the revenue stream.


[36:13] You can also sell memberships. If you’re a trainer, you could essentially create a virtual gym for yourself; so, now this would be like group training or something like that. Then, you also can sell 1 on 1 coaching. So, those are 5 different ways to essentially make money. One, sell other people’s programs; two, sell your own programs; three, look at repeatables, sell supplements and things like that, or gear; four, create some kind of recurring membership that people are involved in, which you basically rope them into; and then five, sell 1 on 1 coaching. This is the way that you build out this model of business. Then, of course, as you grow and grow your following – and I’ve had this conversation with several people in the last week – as you grow, and this is why I always say, if people go, well, should I be a brand or should I be a person, I always say you should be both because we as entrepreneurs, once you do this, you may decide yeah, I want to be like Jade, I know he started selling workouts, then he moved into selling nutrition program and natural health programs, now he coaches in entrepreneur and finance as well, and now he has his new business he started called Next Level Human that’s really about personal development. This is a hint, by the way. The four areas is ironic, kind of, and I didn’t even put this together until I was doing this for a while, but if you remember the intro to Next Level Human podcast, it says you have a job to do; in fact, you have 4 jobs. Well, ironically, those 4 jobs – finance, health, relationships, and purpose and meaning – these are the 4 big buckets that most people spend their money on online. Think about it – when you buy an online program, it’s almost always going to be one of those 4 things – how to make money, how to attain or maintain health and fitness, how to find love or mend relationships, and to personal development, how to find purpose and meaning. These are all – this is essentially self-help; this is the self-help section of bookstores, which are quickly going away, and they’re usually huge. If you walk into a bookstore, if you can find one nowadays, you’ll see the self-help section is huge. So, essentially those of us who are educating and teaching online, we’re essentially in the self-help business and we’re essentially teaching, educating, selling these 4 jobs. In a sense, Next Level Human, my new venture, is really about teaching these 4 jobs to people, because, ironically, this is what people search for, want information on, want to understand, and will part with their money for to understand this stuff. You may, in your trajectory as an online entrepreneur, dovetail into this because, obviously, since I made money with health and fitness, and I also have a psychology background and a coaching background, I’ve always sold in the realm of health and fitness and psychology and purpose and meaning.


[39:15] Then, as I’ve gotten better and better at this, I can now teach this whole idea about how to make money online. Alright, I’m going to go ahead and stop there. I know this is sort of a whirlwind and it’s sort of like for those of you who know this business, it’s probably like yeah, Jade, no duh; but for those of you who don’t or are getting your first taste of this, I wanted to give you an understanding about how this process works at a high level and the different pieces. I’m going to release this, and I want to just see – give me some feedback, come into my DMs or send me an email over to [email protected], or leave me a review on iTunes. I’d appreciate it if you’d do that anyway. Remember, reviews are important for anyone who’s putting out content because they help other people and inspire other people to listen and they may learn. So, it’s another way for you to spread the love, so to speak. But let me know about this kind of content and if you want more of it. I’ll give you a hint too, one of the other reasons is a hidden motivation in this, one of the other reasons that I’m doing this particular podcast is because I am actually getting ready to do a course, a live streamed event perhaps, while we’re all sitting at home and people are asking about internet business, I’m going to teach an internet business course here in the next month or two. So, part of this is a warmup to that. I can take this – this is a final note – I can take this podcast that I’ve just done, I’ve done video, I’ve got audio, I can actually make attraction content out of this podcast. I can make attraction content out of this podcast. I can then create opt-in content, maybe with some old interviews, and I actually have course called Time Millionaires – you can go over to This is my opt-in content. It’s a full course, enter your email in there, I get you as a lead, you get a full-on free course for internet business, and then I can come back and market you as I get ready to launch this other program that I’m going to launch. You see how that works? I can literally take this podcast, chop it up, make it attraction content. I can tell you hey, you want my free course on internet business? Go to Once you give me your email list, I can then begin talk to you and market you this program I’m getting ready to launch. That’s exactly what I’m doing, so you can see my thought process on this. Nothing is by accident. Anyway, let me know what you think of this content. I will start doing more on finance, and also get some other people – I think I’ve said this before, I do really well in terms of earning, I am not the best saver and manager with money historically, so I don’t feel qualified necessarily to teach that aspect of finance yet. I can definitely teach earning, for sure. Saving and managing, I’m getting better and better at it, but I’ll probably get other people to teach that aspect of things until I become a master at it. But anyway, I’m going to end here. Hopefully you enjoyed the podcast, and I will see you on the next episode.


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