3 Step Treatment For Hamstring

Jade Teta ND, CSCS

You should avoid lower body exercise after a hamstring injury, and depending on the severity should be evaluated by a physician, particularly if walking is difficult and/or causes severe pain. If the injury is minor and you can exercise, do light activity only. Activity should not cause any pain or stress on the injured leg. Gentle cycling or other low force cardiovascular activity can be tolerated by some, but it is best to give your body a rest and the time to heal. This is the best way to assure complete recovery and get back to top form quickly.

Here is a quick 3 step guide to get you back to your routine quickly:

1) Day 1-3 RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation): 0-72 hours post injury, rest, ice the injury, apply pressure, and keep the leg elevated. This will limit bruising, reduce swelling, and provide some pain relief.

2) Day 3 until resolved: Alternate hot and cold therapy by applying a hot pack for 3 minutes and then ice for 1 minute. Do five rounds, always ending with the cold. This should be done as often as possible during the day. This process creates a pumping action in the muscle by first dilating and then constricting the blood vessels in the muscle. The result is increased blood flow to the muscle and faster healing.

3) Day 1 until resolved: As soon as you are able after the injury, begin gentle static contractions and stretches with the injured leg. While this IS a form of exercise, it will not provide additional trauma to the muscle and will re-establish the appropriate holding pattern in the hamstring muscle. To do this, push the heel of the injured leg into the floor using 10%-30% of your strength or just before inducing pain. Hold the contraction for 8 seconds, relax the leg, and then slowly lean the torso forward until you feel a gentle stretch in the Hamstring. Stretch 8 seconds and repeat. Do 5 rounds at a time and as often as possible.



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